
Magnolia Charter High School believes that parents are an integral part of the learning and character building of their children. Therefore, parents are involved in the curriculum of the students to drive their child on the road of success.

Parent Certification Program

We have a Parent Certification Program for the parents who want to better themselves as educators or who want to teach their kids and other students at home. We have designed educator classes and workshops for this purpose. It is a one-year course, but you can also complete it according to your own schedule and flexibility. Our goal is to let the parents receive training to enhance their skills and abilities as a home educator. The Parent Certification Program is meant to benefit the students and parents themselves. It will help them in networking with other homeschool parents and together, they will receive training from the credential curriculum experts. Through this course, they will learn about educational philosophy, use data for personalized learning, and assessing and raising happy students.

Parent-Teacher Involvement 

Our educated and cooperative teachers help parents recognize the role played by a family in the academic and social development of a child. We hence encourage the parents to engage in the learning process too and they are required to contribute at least 20 hours of their service to the school each year.


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